Vous êtes invités.es à assister au prochain cours virtuel du programme TrUST, qui portera sur la communication scientifique.
Voici les détails:
Conférencière: Diane Dechief de l’Université McGill
Date et heure: Jeudi, 29 août, 13h à 15h
Langue: Anglais
Lien Zoom: https://inrs.zoom.us/j/83581822194
Titre et résumé : voir anglais plus bas
You are invited to the next virtual TrUST course, which will cover Science Communication.
Here are the details :
Speaker : Diane Dechief from McGill University
Date and time : Thursday, August 29th, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Language : English
Zoom link : https://inrs.zoom.us/j/83581822194
Title : Communicating your research beyond your field
Summary : Have you ever struggled to explain the significance of your work to potential collaborators, funders, or even colleagues from other fields? With the goal of making your work more understandable and compelling, this workshop moves between theory and practice and provides you with opportunities to refine how you speak and write about your own research