Participez au prochain séminaire TrUST sur l’interaction lumière-matière & la spectroscopie THz non linéaire des solides
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Séminaires TrUST/ ultrarapides
Mardi, 30 avril 2024, 13h à 15h
En anglais
Conférence virtuelle sur Zoom
Professeure Ksenia Dolgaleva (uOttawa)
Titre: Light-Matter Interaction
Étudiant Soheil Zibod (uOttawa)
Titre: THz Nonlinear Spectroscopy of Solids
Lien Zoom :
ID de la réunion : 885 6799 9376
Part 1 : Light-Matter Interaction, by Prof. Ksenia Dolgaleva
NSERC CREATE TrUST educational program is dedicated to ultrafast and THz optics and deals with a plethora of related phenomena. At the basis of all these phenomena, there is light-matter interaction and underlying effects. Specifically, low-intensity interaction reveals such properties of optical materials as absorption and material dispersion, while high-intensity interaction is associated with nonlinear optical effects. The presentation on « Light-Matter Interaction » intends to overview fundamental aspects of linear and nonlinear optical interaction of light with matter. The talk is designed to be easy to follow and accessible to students of all levels.
Part 2 : THz Nonlinear Spectroscopy of Solids, by Soheil Zibod
The study of terahertz (THz) region of electromagnetic spectrum has gained an increasing attention in the scientific fields of late, due to its broad applications in biology and biomedical sensing, security systems and non-destructive testing. The introduction of intense THz sources with electric field peak values as large as 1MV/cm has made the study of nonlinear behaviour of different materials possible. The talk on « THz Nonlinear Spectroscopy of Solids » aims to introduce a digestible knowledge in THz nonlinear spectroscopy; with which we are able to explore the nonlinear spectroscopy of solids at THz frequencies, from different angles.