The governance of the COPL is simple and straightforward and ensures that the activities of the strategic cluster are carried out in accordance with its mission in terms of training, research and support for the optics-photonics sector. Its structure ensures sound financial and administrative management.
Management Committee
The COPL Management Committee is composed of 7 members representing the center’s different research areas and institutions. The Management Committee is the Centre’s primary decision-making body for all matters related to the budget, strategic directions and general resource sharing. The members of the Management Committee are elected by the Assembly of Members upon the recommendation of the director.

Martin Bernier
Université Laval

Luca Razzari

François Trépanier

Denis Seletskiy
Polytechnique Montréal

Lawrence Chen
McGill University

Sylvain G. Cloutier
ETS Montreal

Sophie LaRochelle (director)
Université Laval
Assembly of Members
The Assembly of Members consists of all participating university researchers, two graduate student representatives, one postdoctoral and research scientist representative and one representative from the technical and administrative staff. The assembly’s main role is to evaluate and approve projects proposed by the Management Committee regarding the COPL’s strategic directions and nature.
Graduate student representatives

Olivier Michel Tardif
U. de Sherbrooke

Université Laval

Raphael Maltais-Tariant
Polytechnique Montréal
Research scientist and post-doctoral researcher representative

Heide Ibrahim
Technical and administrative staff representative

Stéphan Gagnon
Université Laval