Access to infrastructures

Organized among its 8 member institutions, COPL benefits from cutting-edge experimental infrastructures that are shared and accessible to the community through a variety of access procedures.

As pooling facilities is one of COPL’s flagship projects, service offerings will gradually be incorporated into this section.

Explore the Advanced Laser Light Source Laboratory (ALLS) at INRS-EMT. ALLS houses Canada’s most powerful laser at 750 TW and high repetition rate laser systems to explore new phenomena in matter with ultrafast tools.

A new access policy is now available to obtain beamtime!
The current call for proposals closes on December 4, 2023. The application template is available here: Access to ALLS

A video explaining the different ways to obtain access to ALLS is available on the ALLS YouTube channel (François Légaré, INRS Varennes):
A new ALLS access policy to build a diverse user community!