Two spin-off companies and an innovation aimed at improving Internet connection performance all stemming from COPL’s research work won an Innovation Award at ADRIQ’s Gala 2022.
LumIR Lasers, a company co-founded by professors Réal Vallée, Martin Bernier, Louis-Philippe Pleau and Vincent Fortin, won an award in the Young Enterprise category.
The company EHVA co-founded by Wei Shi and Raphaël Dubé-Demers also received a prize (Coup de coeur) in the Young Enterprise category.
The industrial research work of Michael Ménard of the École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), Philippe Babin of AEPONYX Inc. and Mohamed Chaker (Hamid Chaker) of the Institut national de la recherche scientifique were also recognized in the Industrial Research Sector Groupings (RSRI) category.
To learn more about the ADRIQ gala evening: ADRIQ Innovation 2022 Awards Gala