Daniel Côté

Professeur titulaire, Université Laval

418 656-2131 , poste 412510


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Professional Affiliations

Titulaire, Chaire de recherche du Canada en biophotonique
Département de physique, de génie physique et d’optique, Université Laval
Centre de recherche de l’Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Québec

Research axes


Photonic systems and microsystems

Ongoing projects

Improved femtosecond laser approaches for cellular imaging in live tissue

Coherent Raman tissue spectroscopy for in vivo disease diagnosis

Imagerie multimodale de l’activité des neurones et des tissus grâce aux nouvelles techniques d’optique non linéaire

Multimodal microscopy for real-time imaging of neurons and disease diagnosis

Live animal imaging active stabilization unit

Research teams

Stagiaires postdoctoraux
Feng Wang (codirection : Yves De Koninck-COPL)
Charleen Salesse

Étudiants au doctorat
Cléophace Akitegetse
Damon DePaoli (codirection : Laurent Goetz-Université Grenoble Alpes)
Christian Tardif (codirection : Paul De Koninck-Université Laval)

Étudiante à la maîtrise
Sandryne David (codirection : Frédéric Leblond, COPL-Polytechnique Montréal)

15 Sep 2023

Demystifying the work of research professionals

In this article published by NSERC, you will discover the fascinating work of Mireille Quémener, research professional at the CERVO research center and colleague of professor Daniel Côté of DDC / M Lab: Demystifying the work of research professionals.
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21 Jan 2021

Daniel Côté and his research team released tools and tutorial on practical ray tracing for microscopy on SPIE digital library

Follow the link to learn more about the tutorial: https://doi.org/10.1117/1.NPh.8.1.010801  “Tools and tutorial on practical ray tracing for microscopy”, by V. Pineau Noël¹, S. Masoumi¹, E. Parham¹, G. Genest, L. Bégin, M.-A. Vigneault, D. C. Côté, Neurophotonics, 8(1), 010801 (2021). ¹Equal contributions. Abstract Significance: An advanced understanding of optical design is necessary to create optimal systems ...
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